Don't Sleep on Zara's Full Figure Fashion

You should see the look on some people’s faces when I tell them that Zara has something for us full-figures curvy chicks. It’s a mix between confusion, enlightenment, and excitement. If you’re just finding this out by reading this post, don’t feel bad. It wasn’t until the end of last year that I started finding pieces in Zara my size. When it come to graphic tees and blouses, I can find an XL in super easy. In bottoms and pants, your good Sis is sliding into a XXL! Yes, I find 2X bottoms in Zara all the time! I think we are so used to seeing outfits being on smaller frames and mannequins that we never really stop to actually look for the “Plus Size” size. I always say “I’m too big for the regular sized clothes but too small for the plus size too”.


Here’s a super cute outfit that I stumbled upon in the Zara of Tyson’s Corner, Va. one day. I took one look at the beautifully colored high waist, linen pants and knew I had to have them. Like most, I had already convinced myself that the size I needed probably nonexistent. I turned to walk away and was faced with the gorgeous top that I knew would create fire and magic if paired with those pants.


Zara’s Woman in Art Collection is stunning all around, but this top designed by Miranda Makaroff stopped me in my tracks. With the playful colors and the Nubian Goddess with red hair, I skimmed to a size that I eyeballed to fit me comfortable and made an about face to the pants. This top was my sign that those pants were needed so and I reached all the way towards the back where I know most bigger sizes are stored. To my luck, my size was right there waiting for me.


What I love most about these high-waist bold colored pants is how well they fit my curvy figure. As you can tell, I have some hips on me and because of the Covid-19 safety guidelines, fitting rooms are no longer available to customers in most stores, including Zara. So when grabbing the size I needed, I had hoped that these pants were not a slim cut XXL. Once I got home to try them on, I knew I made the right decision. As I zipped the side of the pants up the waist section cinched in and created the perfect silhouette for a curvy girl like me.

Unfortunately Zara does not give descriptive names for the majority of their pieces so for the life of me I could not find the link to these pants online but I hope this post serves a purpose of inspiration to look for your size whenever you shop. And if you see these pants, GET THEM!

All photos taken by OLOT Photography

All photos taken by OLOT Photography

I hope you enjoyed taking a look into my closet.

Until next time
